
Saturday 22 February 2014

50 Words On.... Why Ghosts Don't Exist

As humans we base our lives on evidence. Every day. There is no credible evidence for ghosts. Fuzzy photographs, chills, cold spots, photographic orbs, voices, electromagnetic fields (possibly the most bizarre and widely used form of 'evidence'; there are electromagnetic fields everywhere) doors banging etc. are not caused by the spirits of dead people. Individual experience is by far the weakest form of evidence, if you believe in ghosts you are clearly more likely to attribute odd occurrences to something spooky rather than something mundane.

The method of thinking for 'believers' seems to be; a human dies....?..... a spirit roams the Earth. This needs to be addressed. How and why? If this crucial element can't be reasonably answered then there is no point in trying to 'detect' them.

The 'Brown Lady of Reynham Hall' Taken in 1936. Trick of the light? Fabricated? Either. Just not a ghost.

Ultimately, our brains, our physical brains contain all of us. If we are anything at all, it is our memories, personality, intelligence, our evil, our good. There is nothing at all to suggest that these properties continue to affect our surroundings when we die and our brains cease to operate. That alone is evident enough to me to disregard all the grainy images, moving curtains and bangs in the night.

Disagree? Let us know and we'll carefully explain why you're utterly mistaken.