
Saturday 8 February 2014

Top Five units in Civilization V

Building a successful empire in Civ V can be treacherous. Luckily we've got your back with our top five units sure to provide you with some help when you're plotting world domination.

1) Venetian Great Galleass. Playing as Venice is damn tricky business given you can't build settlers to grow. Research 'Compass' as soon as you can, build as many of these as you can and dominate the oceans in the Medieval Era by protecting trade routes. A short lived advantage but a crucial one.

2) Roman Legion. A Civilization classic. A brutally powerful unit in combat, it also comes with the incredibly useful ability to construct roads and forts. Backbone of the Roman Empire, exploit it's versatility to the full.

3) Shoshone Pathfinder. Replacing the scout this unit not only is more useful in combat, it comes with the ability to select player bonuses when finding ancient ruins in the world. Build them and set to the explore. Really handy when playing on maps with plenty of land.

4) Battleship. There is something so satisfying about getting to the modern era and building your first battleship. I think it's the big guns. A very strong naval unit, equally adept at dominating sea engagements or supporting land forces.

5) German Panzer. An extremely effective land unit which allows movement after an attack. Superb at punching through enemy lines and pressing on in to enemy territory. Use artillery or early air units to create a weakness and then flood the gap with Panzers. Can win the game quickly if used to its potential.

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