
Wednesday 20 August 2014

Fifty Words On - The Savile Row Eye Mask - Otis Batterbee

Gents we all should know now just how crucial a decent nights kip is. The Savile Row Eye Mask by British firm Otis Batterbbe provides a achingly suave aide to good rest; put Netflix down and relax. The mask is beautifully designed with a selection of soft, deep colours obviously painstakingly chosen to prove optimal comfort. The strap is nicely firm and holds in place on the head but isn't too tight as to distract or squeeze you. I received mine as a gift and when told it was going to smell of lavender I was slightly concerned; worry that was wildly unjustified. I find that lavender can be a sickly, heavy aroma, not here. It's a gentle smell, not overpowering and genuinely relaxing. Made in the UK also gives you confidence, the workmanship is sublime and deeply impressive. Bus loads of effort has been put in to this, the gentle lavender, soft material and fine design is no fluke, there is care and passion in this mask which excites me. An excellent product that looks like it belongs in BA's First Class that you can use everyday; I've used mine plenty. Available from and priced at £45.

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